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Salt Lamps and Your Body: the science behind the beauty.

Savanna McDavid

Imagine coming home from a stressful day, sitting all your things down and taking a few minutes to unwind in your favorite chair. You look to your side and on the table is your beautiful pink Himalayan salt lamp giving off the most pleasant glow. You take a deep breath, relax and are ready to enjoy the evening. Most people have heard by now that salt lamps do things like clean the air and help with mood, but do they really make a difference to our bodies or is it simply a physiological trick we believe?

"If you've never lived with a Himalayan salt lamp in your house, you really don't know what you're missing."

Salt Lamp

When you put a lamp in any room it will provide fresh, pure air and the more lamps in your home the purer air you will notice. It is like having a window open all the time. It has the same feeling of living at the ocean in the salty air. And while clean air is a great benefit, there is so much more that a Himalayan light can do for you and your family.

Improves Focus and Mood

After a long day, sometimes it is harder to relax and be in a good mood. Research shows that Himalayan salt lamps emit negative ions into the air thus battling the positive ones caused by pollution, electronics and other things. This boost of negative ions in your air has been shown to help the human brain relax as well as improve brain function and concentration. The negative ions also increase blood flow through your body to your brain.

Improves Circulation

Speaking of blood flow, not only do Himalayan salt lamps improve air circulation but can also encourage healthy circulation of blood inside of the body. In addition to other benefits, negative ions can have a healthy impact on blood flow. Breathing in negative ions can prevent heart attacks and strokes. Blood is composed of negative ions and the introduction of positively charged air or substances can cause the blood to clot. Breathing negative ions can prevent these clots from forming by conforming to the negative charge of most of the blood cells.

Relieves Asthma and Allergies

Because the salt attracts moisture, a Himalayan lamp is always attracting moisture in your home and with that moisture comes dust, dirt, dander, pollen, smoke, mold, mildew and anything else that is in the air. The impurities get trapped in the salt and dissolved (thanks to the salt's antibacterial and antimicrobial properties) while the water evaporates back into the air because of the light. This process is natural air purification and will help with breathing better in the home. Placing a lamp or two where you are most in your home can significantly decrease attacks.

Eliminates Electromagnetic Radioactive Waves

These waves are found in modern day homes thanks to computers, tablets, phones and our televisions. They are not good for our air or our bodies. All of those things break down the air quality and will cause us to become stressed and can also affect our immunity. Throw a few Himalayan salt lamps in your home and you will start combatting those waves and should start to notice a difference in your stress levels.

Helps You Sleep Better

While we're on the topic of stress.....most people have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep. Usually that can be credited to stress but sometimes can be caused by sleeping in a positive ion environment. This will decrease blood flow and oxygen to the brain causing irregular sleep patterns. Placing a Salt Lamp beside your bed can drown out those positive ions with negative ones causing a deeper more restful sleep. We could all use that!

"There have been a number of studies showing that negative ions have a powerful effect on physical and mental health and can promote general vitality."

Himalayan salt lamps are hand carved beautiful works of art and no two are the same. Not only do they have a wide benefit, but they are a beautiful, natural piece to add to any home. I haven't looked at one picture yet that does these stunning lamps justice. They are something you have to see and experience to understand the calming effected the best place to do that is in our Himalayan Salt Gallery. We have over 45 types of lamps for you and your family to begin naturally improving the quality of your body and your home.


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