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Salt Therapy for expecting moms: relieving symptoms naturally.

Savanna McDavid

Updated: Dec 30, 2019

Over the course of the past year, we have had many people ask if Salt Therapy is safe for pregnant women. Many times we see a mom that is suffering from allergies who doesn't want to (or can't) take any medication. We also see pregnant women who are swollen that want a more natural solution than over-the-counter medication.

Here is all you need to know about pregnancy and Salt Therapy...

Salt Therapy is safe for pregnant women.

It's true! Salt Therapy is 100% all natural and thus makes it safe during pregnancy. Spending 45 minutes in a Salt Room is the equivalent of spending 3 days in the salt air at the beach. If you would spend time there while pregnant, you can spend time in our Salt Room.

Salt Therapy can help with sinuses and allergies.

During pregnancy, the female body tends to make more mucous. Because of this, women usually notice they either begin to have allergies and sinus issues, or those issues worsen. Salt Therapy is recommended by many doctors because it is an all natural way to help clear up those symptoms without the use of medication.

Salt Therapy can help with swelling.

Many women become swollen their last few months of pregnancy and as all moms know, it ca be very painful. Salt is a natural anti inflammatory meaning spending time in our Salt Room can actually help those ankles and feet. Not to mention, burying sore achy legs and feet in the salt feels very therapeutic.

Salt Therapy can help with stress and anxiety.

It seems there would be a little stress and anxiety for moms, especially new ones. Thinking about those final days and how much life is about to change is a happy thought, but can also be somewhat scary. Salt Therapy promotes relaxation and actually relieves stress in the brain.

Salt Therapy is wonderful for pregnant women who don't want to rely on over-the-counter medication. It is an all natural way to significantly help issues such as allergies, sinus, respiratory issues, swelling, pain and much more. Salt Therapy will also help boost the immune system which is a wonderful thing for pregnant women.

We want to show our love to our pregnant clients by giving pregnant moms $10 off of a salt session or monthly package from now until the end of August (doesn't include the M-F 12 N, 1 pm sessions).

Just make an appointment or stop in and have a session! We are looking forward to seeing you.


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