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Dr. Miki Gordon

The surprising effects of Infrared Light on Cancer Cell Lines.

Updated: Dec 30, 2019

Cancer is a disease that has unfortunately touched the lives of most people in some way. Research into the causes of cancer have shown that tumors are caused by mutations in our cells and DNA. Many current cancer treatments attempt to slow the growth of cell mutations, or to replace damaged cells with healthy ones. Current research has allowed scientists to pinpoint the exact cell lines that are involved in specific types of cancer.

One large study examined the effects of Far Infrared Radiation (FIR) on cells involved in lung, tongue, and gingiva cancers (Yamashita, 2010). Researchers created a FIR incubator and examined the effects of FIR on human cell samples of these types of cancer. They found that FIR suppresses the proliferation of A549 (lung), HSC3 (tongue), and Sa3 (gingiva) cancer cell lines. Researchers concluded that “these findings can support that FIR may be an effective factor for the treatment of cancer” (Yamashita, 2010, p. 392).

Breast cancer, one of the leading causes of death worldwide, has also been studied as a potential target for infrared radiation therapy. Chang, et al (2015) found that Middle Infrared Radiation (MIR) inhibited cancer cell proliferation without damaging normal breast cells. Similarly, Tanaka et al (2010) studied the effects of Infrared Radiation (IR) on several cancer cell lines (MCF7 breast cancer, HeLa uterine cervical cancer, NUGC‐4 gastric cancer, B16F0 melanoma, and MDA‐MB435 melanoma). They studied both ex vivo (cells alone) in vivo (cells inside mice and rats) cell samples. They found that IR significantly suppressed the proliferation of all cancer cell lines studied, concluding that IR may have potential as an application for treating various forms of cancer.

There continues to be ongoing research into the effects of IR on cancer cell lines. In an article exploring that various medical and biological applications of IR, Tsai and Hamblin (2017) state that increasing evidence shows IR has cellular effects benefitting cancer treatment. While more research is needed and is ongoing, there is evidence to suggest that IR has promise as a potential cancer treatment, as well as a preventative measure for cell mutation and proliferation of damaged cells. The Salt Oasis Kingsport offers several different delivery methods of IR, including near and mid infrared lamps, far infrared pads, and a far infrared sauna.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. Do not make any changes to your healthcare or treatment without consulting your physician.


Yamashita K., 2010. Far Infrared Ray Radiation Inhibits the Proliferation of A549, HSC3 and Sa3 Cancer Cells through Enhancing the Expression of ATF3 Gene. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications. 2010;02(06):382–394.

Chang HY, et al. Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Middle Infrared Radiation-Interfered Networks in Breast Cancer Cells. Journal of Proteome Research. 2015;14(2):1250–1262.

Tanaka Y, Matsuo K, Yuzuriha S, Yan H, Nakayama J. Non‐thermal cytocidal effect of infrared irradiation on cultured cancer cells using specialized device. Cancer Sci 2010; 101: 1396–402.

Shang-Ru Tsai, Michael R Hamblin. 2017. Journal of Photochemical Photobiology B. 2017 May; 170: 197–207. Published online 2017 Apr 13. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2017.04.014


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